Happy New Year! 2014 was the fourth full year of ShowlistDC, and we certainly couldn’t have kept this site running without all of you who support the site by playing shows, putting on shows, telling me about shows, going to shows, and supporting live music in the greater DC area.
I do a little statistical analysis every year (here are the ones from 2011, 2012, and 2013), so here are some stats on what ShowlistDC did in 2014:
• We listed 11,266 shows at 489 different venues in DC, Virgina, and Maryland. (We’ve got 1,165 shows already listed for 2015!)
• May was our biggest show month, with 1,106 different shows listed. Three other months had over 1,000 events: March (1,080), June (1,042), and October (1,004).
• Not surprisingly, most of our events were listed on Saturdays (2,605 shows) or on Fridays (2,315 shows).
• As in the past three years, two venues had over 400 events listed in 2014: the Kennedy Center (633 events) and Jammin’ Java (422 events).
• We ended the year with 1,014 Facebook likes, 1,952 twitter followers, and 204 Instagram followers.
• We’re always sad to see venues close, and several DIY venues hosted their last show this year, including Paper Sun, the Far Out House, Ft. Loko. But when one DIY venue stops hosting shows, another one always pops up to keep live music going strong in DC– and we’re excited to find new places to see live music in 2015.
If there are any ideas for things you’d like to see on ShowlistDC or on this blog, please let me know, either with a comment here or an email to showlistdc@gmail.com!
And as always, feel free to look for me at shows– I went to 109 shows in 2014 and certainly plan to attend at least that many next year! Come up and say hi– and keep on supporting live music in 2014!
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