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1101 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, VA 22209
map || facebook || twitter: @artisphere

Artisphere has closed as of June 2015. Artisphere posted this farewell message on its web site: Artisphere opened to great fanfare on 10/10/10 as a testament to Arlington County’s longstanding commitment to the arts. During its all too brief four and a half year lifespan Artisphere presented nearly one thousand unique artistic programs, across all artistic disciplines—often blurring the lines between them. Its mission was unique: to present visual arts, new media and performing arts all under one roof, something no other institution in this region is currently pursuing.

Artisphere’s business model morphed over time to adjust for the significant costs associated with its physical structure. However, its unswerving dedication to artistic excellence did not. We wish to thank the many individuals—and the community at large—that contributed to Artisphere’s many success over the past four and a half years. From the wonder of Andy Warhol’s Silver Clouds exhibition, to the breathtaking range of international musicians we presented from all over the world, we have presented a depth and breadth of contemporary art programming that this region has not experienced under one roof heretofore.

We stand firm in our belief that to be a world-class community—one that that is vibrant and growing and attractive to the best young talent—the arts are a necessary, vital ingredient. While Artisphere will no longer continue as an organization, the ideas and values championed by Artisphere will continue to be supported by Arlington County through its Cultural Affairs department. Please visit the Arlington Arts website to stay abreast of upcoming arts and cultural programming.

In the meantime we leave you with a simple quote from Artisphere's former Executive Director, José A. Ortiz. "Art is not easy. Art is hard. Art is more than hanging a picture on a wall."
