We’re not going to talk about the Grammys here, because either you watched them (and already know what happened), or you didn’t (and probably don’t care). Also, can someone explain to us why liveblogging is something that everyone is doing now– if you’re watching the show live, are you also reading your computers? And if you’re not watching, do you really care what [random blogger] thinks about what’s going on RIGHT.THIS.SECOND on the TV?
Things to read:
• R.I.P. Whitney Houston. The Washington Post has a photo gallery and the Post’s Click Track blog brings back a 1996 profile of the singer written by Robin Givhan.
• Gavin Holland remixes Travis Morrison Hellfighers‘ “Moneytown”. [Washington CityPaper]
• DCist interviewed Shearwater.
• DC writer Aaron Leitko reviewed Field Music’s Plumb for Pitchfork.
• Live reviews: Dave McKenna on Willie Nile at Jammin’ Java [Washington Post]. Cecelia Porter on Nordic Voices at Dumbarton Church [Washington Post]. the Darkness at the 9:30 Club reviewed by We Love DC and the Vinyl District.
Free stuff:
• Heavy Uber Alles has tickets to Iced Earth at the 9:30 Club on 3/13 (contest ends today at noon)
• The Vinyl District has a copy of Of Montreal‘s Paralytic Stalks on yellow vinyl. Winner must have a North American mailing address. (contest ends Tuesday 2/14)
• The Rogers Revue has tickets to Disney On Ice at the Verizon Center on 2/18 (contest ends 2/17).